Tuesday, October 23, 2012


this thing. ugh.

  1. Run a marathon 
  2. Refinish a piece of furniture. (check!) 
  3. Write a love letter in Paris. 
  4. Visit India. 
  5. See the pyramids in person. 
  6. Donate bone marrow.  
  7. Learn to sail. 
  8. Take tennis lessons. 
  9. Sky dive. 
  10. Solve a Rubik's Cube in 30 minutes. (close)
  11. Go zip lining. 
  12. Walk The Louvre. 
  13. Make a cool dodecahedron. (check!)
  14. Read 20 books in 2013. 
  15. Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen or Homeless Shelter. 
  16. Get my degree. 
  17. Make a difference in at least one person's life. 
  18. Invest in my future. 
  19. Memorize the Periodic Table. 
  20. Go to A TED Talks. 
  21. Ride an elephant. 
  22. Apply to medical school.
  23. Spend a day reading a book in Central Park.
  24. Create a dance that I love. 
  25. Feel sexy in a little, black dress. 
  26. Make a delicious cake from scratch. 
